MSCoE NCOA VL Phase Survey

Voluntary Consent and Privacy Act Statement
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579) this notice informs you of how the MSCoE NCOA findings will be used.
Authority: This is an official approved Army survey. The survey control number is: AAHS-RDR-PR-21-190
Uses: The MSCoE NCOA will use the data from this survey to assess trends and deficiencies to help improve training programs.
Disclosure: Providing information on this survey is voluntary. There is no penalty for not responding to any question and you may withdraw at any time.  However, you are encouraged to participate so that the data will be complete and representative.
Confidentiality: Your survey responses will be treated as confidential. Only the group statistics will be reported.
Privacy Act Notice: In accordance with Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974) the providing of personal information is completely voluntary. Collection of this information is authorized by Sections1302, 3301, and 3304 of Title 5, US Code. 
Risks and Benefits: We do not anticipate that participation in this survey will pose physical or psychological risks. Participation in this survey offers you the opportunity to help shape and inform senior leaders about the effectiveness of the MSCoE NCOA training programs.  

Purpose: To collect feedback on your learning experience during the Virtual Learning (VL) phase of your NCOPDS Course. This feedback will be reported to the Combined Arms Center (CAC) to make the VL phase better for future NCOs.

Directions: Please read each question carefully and take the time to answer each as accurately and thoroughly as possible.  You may change your responses at any time prior to submitting the survey.  After you have completed the survey, please click the submit button.

Please take 5-7 minutes to complete the survey.

On behalf of the MNCOA Commandant, thank you for your participation.

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